Memories Preserved in Time
The Pottstown Historical Society photograph collection, circa 1850-2016, is comprised of original and copy photographs in various formats, including paper prints, film negatives, and panoramas. The photographs in this collection depict Pottstown and local individuals, weddings, buildings, businesses, teams and clubs, and other subjects.

Get to Know Our Collection
We offer for sale reproductions of many of the images from our large collection of photographs.
You can purchase a high quality 8″ x 10″ matted or framed reproduction of one or more of our images. Larger reproductions are available by special request at an additional cost.
Ever Changing Collection
We’re always looking for photographs of High Street businesses, industry, families, and any vintage photos of the Pottstown area. You can express an interest in contributing to our archives by clicking this link.
Available to Members
Members can contact the Historical Society by phone or through our contact page to arrange to access the collection or they can stop by the Society on the second and fourth Sundays of every month from 1 – 4 PM.