Records to support your research.
The Pottstown Historical Society collection includes Pottstown City Directories, church histories, borough tax and legal records, as well as Pennsylvania state records and family histories and genealogies.

Get to Know Our Archive Collection
Our Collection Includes
The Pottstown Historical Society houses various documents and manuscripts, including city directories, family histories, church records, Borough tax and government records, wills and estates books, local histories, cemetery records, business records, and more. We also have Pottstown Symphony records and recordings.
Items That We’re Looking For
If you have any materials pertinent to Pottstown’s history, we would love to discuss with you what you have and how you can add it to our collection. You can express an interest in contributing to our archives by clicking this link.
How Members Can Access Our Collection
Members can contact the Historical Society by phone or through our contact page to arrange to access the collection or they can stop by the Society on the second and fourth Sundays of every month from 1 – 4 PM.
Books to Buy
We have certain books available for purchase. For now, these books can be purchased at the Society and at events that we attend however we will have them available for sale on this website in the future.