568 East High Street Pottstown, PA 19464 | 610-970-7355
PottstownHistory@gmail.com | Facebook
2nd and 4th Sundays of each month from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Other times available by appointment
Donate Now
Your gift will help the Pottstown Historical Society continue to collect and preserve the history of the area. Your donation is tax-deductible and allows us to keep Pottstown available for the next generation.
Your support counts and is needed to preserve our collection for the future.
Ways to Give
The Pottstown Historical Society truly appreciates your generosity and your ongoing support.
For additional information, details and adoption fees, please contact us at pottstownhistory@gmail.com or call us at 610-970-xxxx.
Invest in our History Today!
Mail your donation to:
Pottstown Historical Society
568 East High Street
Pottstown, Pa 19464
Call the office at 610-970-7355 for more information.
Adoption Program
The Pottstown Historical Society Adoption Program provides essential funding to support the conservation, acquisition, and digitization of books and other documents, photographs or manuscripts in our collection. Your donation allows us to continue to build the collection, preserve it for future generations, and make materials available to many scholars and the general public.
You can adopt a book, a directory, a newspaper collection or even a photograph. Or you can contact us for more information on other items that need preservation.
Book and other items adoptions are an excellent way to commemorate an occasion, celebrate a milestone, or honor a great achievement while supporting the mission of the Pottstown Historical Society.
If you would like to adopt an item in honor of or in memory of someone, please indicate this during your adoption. All Adoption donations are tax-deductible. Donors will receive a gift acknowledgment and a tax receipt from the Pottstown Historical Society. We also acknowledged your adoption placing a virtual acknowlegement on our website and a physical plate in your selected item.
Adopt Today!